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2024 Ruddigore
2001 The Sorcerer/The Zoo 1999 The Gondoliers 1997 Ruddigore 1996 Patience 1995 The Mikado 1994 Iolanthe 1991 The Sorcerer 1990 Ruddigore 1989 The Zoo / The Pirates of Penzance 1988 Trial by Jury/H.M.S. Pinafore |
1985 The Mikado1984
1983 Iolanthe 1982 Yeomen of the Guard 1980 Ruddigore 1979 The Zoo/The Pirates of Penzance 1978 Cox and Box/H.M.S. Pinafore 1977 Princess Ida 1975 Patience 1974 The Mikado 1973 Iolanthe 1971 Yeomen of the Guard 1970 Trial by Jury / H.M.S. Pinafore 1969 Ruddigore 1968 Princess Ida 1967 Trial by Jury/The Sorcerer 1966 Gondoliers 1965 The Mikado 1964 Patience 1963 Yeomen of theGuard 1962 Pirates of Penzance 1961 Ruddigore 1960 Trial by Jury/H.M.S. Pinafore 1959 Gondoliers 1958 Iolanthe 1957 Yeomen of the Guard 1956 The Mikado 1955 Ruddigore 1954 H.M.S. Pinafore 1953 Gondoliers 1952 The Pirates of Penzance 1951 Patience 1950 The Mikado 1949 Iolanthe 1948 H.M.S. Pinafore |