2013 The Sleeping Beauty of Savoy

Our Fall 2013 Show:
The Sleeping Beauty of Savoy

November 21 – 24, 2013

Stage Director: Michael Carbone
Music Director: Helene Furlong

King Corcoran
A Maritime Monarch
John Dennison
Queen Julia
late Julia Jellicoe – Actress
Nicole Servais
Princess Rose Maybud
their daughter
Marisa Robinson
Earl Tolloller
Dual Lord Chamberlain
Petra DeLuca
Earl of Mountararat
Dual Lord Chamberlain
Amy Quinn
the Royal Nursemaid
Sue Hudson
The Fairy Queen
Chief Godmother
to the Princess
Amy Karash
Professional Fairy,
also a Godmother
Kaylie Olson
Professional Fairy,
also a Godmother
Martha Smylie
Professional Fairy,
also a Godmother
Paula Gonzalez
Prince Hilarion
an Eligible Bachelor
Paul Hayward
Mad Meg
a Wicked Fairy
Ed Emmi
Chief Minion
Dave DeGarmo

Chorus of Courtiers, Ladies, Servants, Minions, and Fiends:

Peggy Figun, Daniel Libby, Selena Molina, Dawlat Refaie,
John Trexler, Connor Wagaman, Justine Wagaman, Carina Waldeck,
Lisette Walker, Pat Zevnik, Veroncee Zevnik
